jeudi 21 juin 2007

Robert Zoellick

Message to Suzanne Folsom, Head of the World Bank Department of Institutional Integrity (INT)

Subject: Robert Zoellick
From: Marcus Williamson
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 01:40:07 +0200

Hello Suzanne

How do you feel about the choice of Robert Zoellick as a potential World Bank President?

In 1998 he was a signatory to the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) letter to Bill Clinton, advocating war against Iraq. James Wolfowitz, current World Bank head, was also a signatory to this letter. As a pro-war neo-con he is no different from Wolfowitz.

He was a share-holder and consultant to Enron, the energy company which went
bankrupt in 2002.

He was a key figure in the American WTO case against the EU which sought to impose GM crops and GM food on Europe.

As these three brief examples demonstrate he is certainly not the person to restore trust in the World Bank.

The solution to the current leadership crisis is an open, transparent and democratic selection process which emphasises the candidate's merits, rather than political connections, as the criteria for the job.

Look forward to hearing from you with your comments.

Thanks & regards
Marcus Williamson

HPV vaccine

Subject: News report
From: Marcus Williamson
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:58:53 +0200

Ms Flint

I have just read a BBC news report in which the DoH advocates the use of a vaccine for HPV.

Could you please provide details of the ingredients of this vaccine? In particular, does it contain mercury, aluminium or animal-derived ingredients?

Could you please also provide details of the safety testing which has already been carried out on the vaccine?

Which company would be producing the vaccine used by the NHS?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & regards
Marcus Williamson