mercredi 23 mai 2007

Nuclear Waste

Message to Alistair Darling, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, about Nuclear Waste

Subject: Nuclear waste
From: Marcus Williamson
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007

Mr Darling

In this newspaper article:

I asked you:

"Why do you and this Government continue to advocate the use of nuclear power when the nuclear waste issue has still not been resolved?"

and you replied:

"There are quite proper concerns about waste. It's not a new problem and there has been significant progress on this. We now have technical solutions for waste disposal that could accommodate all types from existing and new nuclear power stations. The forthcoming consultation will give people the opportunity to discuss the ethical issues."

Could you please inform me in detail what are the technical solutions for nuclear waste disposal?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & regards
Marcus Williamson