mardi 1 août 2006

Bears slaughtered to provide hats for British soldiers

Message to Des Browne, Secretary of State for Defence, about the use of bear skin in soldiers' hats

Subject: Bear slaughter
From: Marcus Williamson
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006

Mr Browne

I have read this article:

It seems that black bears may be killed in order to provide the fur for the Guards' ceremonial headgear.

Could you please provide an assurance that this killing will be prevented and that an alternative material will be used instead?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & regards
Marcus Williamson

Reply from Ministry of Defence

To: Marcus Williamson
Subject: Correspondence addressed to the Secretary of State for Defence
From: "Dando, Annette Miss"
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:24:26 -0000

Mr Williamson

Thank you for your email to the Secretary of State for Defence expressing concern about the use of real bear fur for the ceremonial caps used by the Guards Regiments. I am replying as this issue falls within my area of responsibility.

Regrettably efforts to find a faux fur alternative to real fur have so far proved unsuccessful for a number of reasons. These have included an inability of the faux fur to retain shape when wet, the shedding of pile during normal wear and grooming and an increase in weight due to excessive water retention. More recently, a sample was rejected because the "volume of the fibres was insufficient to allow the fabric to retain its shape" and it "lacked sufficient density between the layers of material to prevent the lower layers showing through". The material also had a particularly glossy appearance. The Department is continuing to work with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to try and find a suitable faux material.

Over the past four years, no pelts have had to be purchased, in no small part due to the success of our policy to refurbish, rather than replace, wherever possible. Previously pelts were purchased from fur traders operating under the jurisdiction of the Canadian authorities. To our knowledge no bears have been 'killed to order' to provide pelts to meet the Guards' requirements.

The Department remains committed to the examination, evaluation and, if found suitable, trial of any sample provided by PETA, or any other supplier. It is recognised that the criteria that any trial material has to meet are exacting. With the importance of the ceremonial duties undertaken by the Guards, the Department is not prepared to compromise on standards or risk soldiers being ridiculed in public because the quality of some items of their uniform falls below the expected

Please be assured that all parties are taking this matter very seriously.

I hope you find this helpful.

Yours sincerely

Annette Dando
On behalf of
General Officer Commanding
London District

Annette Dando
HR Business Partner
Ministry of Defence
HQ London District
Horse Guards
Whitehall, London